Hackers accusing Saudi-owned Al Arabiya of being pro-Sunni shut down the channel’s news website shortly after midnight on Thursday in a cyber attack that claimed to be in retaliation for recent attacks on Shiite websites. Al Arabiya’s website was forced to change its domain to www.alarabiya.tv, the network reported on Friday.
The hackers put the following text on the frontpage of www.alarabiya.com:

As you can see, not only did the hackers accuse Al Arabiya of being pro-Sunni and anti-Shia, but seemingly also of being pro-Israe. One of the flags being burned is obviously an Israeli flag.
Either that, or the Shia extremists could not stop themselves from insulting and threatening Israel while hacking a Sunni-owned website.
Although Al Arabiya is owned by Saudis, it employs both Sunnis and Shia. Its stated goal - and in my experience they mostly do so, albeit from a distinctly Middle Eastern perspective, which often seems quite ‘progressive’ to Westerners - is to be moderate, balanced and objective.
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